About Me

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Glendale, Arizona, United States

Monday, February 11, 2008


So last week I taught a class on haircare to the young women of my church. It went good (no one booed) and I think the girls enjoyed it. In the week or so prior to the class, I was pondering what exactly to teach. A color class for example would be fairly easy, I would demo the latest and greatest of the coloring techniques. And really show what application processes work for me. But I wasn't teaching a class of skilled cosmotologist, I was teaching, untrained 14-18 year olds. Haircare? Like shampoo, rinse, repeat? How hard can that be? Anyone can learn that from the back of a bottle. So I make a decision... I'm going to mold these young minds into my way of thinking. Teach a child the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart far from it. ;) I gave them instructions on all my favorite tricks and tools. I gave them product knowlege (yes, of the best kind, Enjoy, Aquage, Chi, i'm talking 'bout you) I gave them helpful hints on how to blow dry (divide and conquer!) I even gave them some tips on how to get the perfect curl, and gave a mini demo on prom updo's. I decided (very last minute) to pull an 'Opra' style show, and gave away all the shampoo's and conditioners I had bought to show for demo! Wow! (Now i know why the girls enjoyed it) I got home feeling pretty good about myself. I'd given a farly desent leason, I felt I presented my konwlege well, and no one was texting during my ramblings. Then I found my receipts... I accidentally donated over $100.00 worth of product that night. Needless to say, I had a small case of 'givers - remorse. I'm hoping the girls enjoy the new suds, and use them faithfully.
Besides I probably would have waisted that on shoes, or a purse anyway. And frankly, I've run out of shoe cubby holes.


shananchuck said...

Wow I want you as a teacher!! Doesn't it feel great to give!?!
I'm sure they learned some techniques and will always be thankful to you!
Can't wait to come visit next month!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't you run out of shoe holes seven years ago? Very funny blog. Can't wait for the pictures...

Trevor and Summer said...

It is great you are on the blogging bandwagon. You need to get your sis going too. You still remind me of the girl in the Shopaholic series. Didnt you learn anything from those books? j/k
